Come as you are.
Worship, Fellowship & Study
Our service is on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am.
Fellowship time is at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.
Spiritual Formation classes for all ages begin at 10:30 am.
Dress is casual. God looks on the heart, not a person’s clothes so please wear what is comfortable for you.
Children are always welcome to worship with their families at our services and we have fun children’s worship bags.
Nursery care is available for infants and preschoolers up to age 5.
Our music is contemporary in nature and led by our worship team.
How does one become a member?
Becoming a member here means that you officially identify with the mission and values of First Presbyterian Church of Golden. If you are interested, we offer Inquirers classes periodically where those interested in joining our church can get to know one another and have their questions answered. New members are then accepted on a profession of faith and baptism, transfer from another church, or reaffirmation of faith before the Session of Elders.